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Revolução Ucraniana

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A Revolução Ucraniana foi a tentativa de implantação do Comunismo libertário pela guerrilha liderada por Nestor Makhno na Ucrânia, durante o período de guerra civil entre 1917 e 1921. Esse período coincidiu com os acontecimentos da Revolução Russa de 1917-1921, e terminou com a derrota do movimento por força do Exército Vermelho sob o comando do Partido Comunista russo e a criação da URSS.

A primeira tentativa de implantação do comunismo libertário deu-se durante a Revolução Russa de 1917-1921, na região onde atualmente localiza-se a Ucrânia. O movimento iniciou-se no vilarejo de Gulai-Polé, sob a influência do anarquista Nestor Makhno, e se alastrou pelas regiões vizinhas de Aleksandrovsk até alcançar Kiev. Makhno foi eleito presidente do soviete de Gulai-Polé em agosto de 1917, e organizou uma pequena milícia para expropriar os latifúndios e dividi-los entre os camponeses mais pobres. Após o tratado de Brest-Litovsk de 1918, que cedeu a Ucrânia ao Império Austro-Húngaro, uma nova milícia Makhnovista se formou e executou com sucesso ações de guerrilha contra o exército invasor. Com o armistício de Novembro de 1918, as tropas estrangeiras retiraram-se. A milícia Makhnovista se voltou contra o líder nacionalista ucraniano Petliura. Em seguida, Petliura foi derrotado pelo Exército Vermelho, e durante o embate entre Vermelhos e Brancos, Gulai-Polé ficou sob o domínio dos Makhnovistas, pois nenhuma outra facção era forte o suficiente para atacá-los.

[[Imagem:Makhno_group.jpg|300px|left|thumb|Nestor Makhno (centro), cercado por outros integrantes do Exército Insurgente]]

Makhno aproveitou a calmaria para convocar congressos de camponeses com a finalidade de reformar a sociedade com vistas a implantar o comunismo libertário. Entretanto, as discussões se voltaram principalmente para a defesa da região contra outros exércitos, já que havia uma guerra civil. O poder real permaneceu com o grupo de Makhno. Atos de anti-semitismo, muito comuns na época, passaram a ser punidos com a pena de morte. Aconteceram esforços para se criar uma economia de trocas livres entre o campo (Gulai-Polé, Aleksandrovsk) e a cidade (Kiev, Moscou, Petrogrado).

A calmaria terminou em 15 de Junho de 1919, quando, após atritos menores entre Makhnovistas e Vermelhos, o IV Congresso Regional de Gulai-Polé convidou os soldados da base do Exército Vermelho a enviar representantes. Isto foi um desafio direto à hierarquia de comando Comunista, já que aquele exército não funcionava, como o Makhnovista, em regime de democracia direta. Em 4 de Julho um decreto do governo comunista proibiu o congresso e tornou o movimento Makhnovista ilegal. As tropas comunistas atacaram Gulai-Polé e dissolveram as comunas criadas na região. Poucos dias depois as forças de Denikin chegaram à região, obrigando a ambas facções a aliarem-se novamente.

Durante os meses de Agosto e Setembro, Denikin avancou a passo firme em direção a Moscou, enquanto Makhnovistas e comunistas eram obrigados a retroceder, chegando até as fronteiras ocidentais da Ucrânia. Então, em Setembro de 1919, Makhno surpreende Denikin lançando um ataque vitorioso à aldeia de Peregonovka, perto da cidade de Uman, cortando as linhas de abastecimento do general branco e semeando pânico e desordem na retaguarda. Este foi o primeiro revés sério sofrido por Denikin em sua campanha, e ao final do ano o Exército Vermelho o forçaria a bater em retirada até as margens do Mar Negro.

O clímax da Revolução Ucraniana aconteceu nos meses que se seguiram à vitória em Peregonovka. Durante os meses de Outubro e Novembro, Makhno se viu em poder das cidades de Ekaterinoslav e Aleksandrovsk, e esta foi sua primeira oportunidade de aplicar a concepção anarquista em ambiente urbano. O primeiro ato de Makhno após entrar nessas cidades (após esvaziar as prisões) foi (...) colocar cartazes anunciando aos cidadãos que a partir de este momento eram livres para organizarem suas vidas conforme preferissem, e que o Exército Insurgente "não lhes ditaria nem ordenaria nada". Se proclamaram a liberdade de imprensa, palavra e reunião, e em Ekaterinoslav surgiram imediatamente meia dezena de periódicos que representavam uma ampla gama de tendências políticas. Mas Makhno, embora fomentasse a liberdade de expressão, não estava disposto a tolerar aquelas organizações políticas que tratavam de impôr sua autoridade sobre o povo. Portanto dissolveu os "comitês revolucionários" dos Bolcheviques em Ekaterinoslav e Aleksandrovsk, aconselhando seus membros a se dedicarem a "algum trabalho honesto". (Paul Avrich)

Entretanto, a classe operária urbana não respondeu ao movimento Makhnovista com o mesmo entusiasmo dos camponeses, e ao final de 1919, as relações com o governo comunista voltaram a azedar. Ao negar-se a abandonar o território ucraniano por ordem de Trotsky, o movimento Makhnovista foi novamente declarado ilegal. O Exército Vermelho então voltou a combatê-los, e durante os oito meses que se seguiram ambos os lados sofreram pesadas baixas. Então, em Outubro de 1920, o barão Wrangel, sucessor de Denikin no Sul, lançou uma importante ofensiva, partindo da Criméia rumo ao Norte. Novamente o Exército Vermelho solicitou a ajuda dos Makhnovistas, e novamente a frágil aliança se refez. Menos de um mês mais tarde, já com a guerra civil ganha, a aliança foi desfeita. Em 25 de Novembro, os líderes do exército de Makhno, reunidos na Criméia por ocasião da vitória sobre Wrangel, foram presos e executados sumariamente. No dia seguinte, por ordem de Trotsky, Gulai-Polé foi atacada e os Makhnovistas presos ou executados. Makhno conseguiu fugir e se exilar na França.


  • Avrich, P. (1974). Los Anarquistas Rusos. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

{Generally|Typically|Normally|Usually}, it is {recommended|suggested|advised} that {patients|clients|people|individuals} {{responding|reacting} to|reacting to|replying to} CLOZARIL {continue|proceed} {maintenance|upkeep} {treatment|therapy} on their {effective|efficient|reliable} {dose|dosage} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {beyond|past} the {acute|severe|intense} episode. Aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, leukopenia, {and|and also|as well as} pancytopenia #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] with {marrow|bottom} hypoplasia {have|have actually} been {{associated|connected|linked} with|connected with|related to|linked with} zidovudine. You {shouldn't|should not} {skip|avoid|miss} {a dose|a dosage|an amount} or take {a double|a dual} {dose|dosage|amount} to #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {increase|enhance|raise|boost|ever increasing|improve} {effectiveness|efficiency} of the {treatment|therapy|procedure}. There {have|have actually} been {isolated|separated} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {reports|records} of {children|kids|youngsters} {who|that|which} {accidentally|unintentionally|inadvertently|mistakenly} {ingested|consumed|took in} Parlodel. {Vomiting|Throwing up}, somnolence {and|and also|as well as} {fever|high temperature} were {reported|stated} as {adverse|unfavorable|negative|damaging} {events|occasions}. {Patients|Clients|People|Individuals} {recovered|recuperated} either spontaneously within {a few|a couple of} {hours|hrs} or after {appropriate|suitable|proper|ideal} {management|administration}. This {list|listing|checklist} is not {complete|full|total} and there #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] are {other|various other} {drugs|medicines} that {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} be {reported|stated|mentioned} in {case|situation|instance} you are taking them {already|currently} or {intend|mean|plan} to take them in the {nearest|closest|nearby|local} future. Do not {miss|miss out on} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {scheduled|arranged|set up|planned|booked} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {visits|check outs|sees|brows through} to your {doctor|physician|medical professional} as your blood {pressure|stress|tension} {will|will certainly} {have to|need to} be {measured|determined|gauged} on the {regular|routine|normal} basis to {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} propranolol is {working|functioning} right for you. As your {body|physical body} {{adjusts|changes|readjusts} to|adapts to} the {medicine|medication} {during|throughout} {treatment|therapy} these #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} {may|might|could} {go away|disappear|vanish}. CYP 3A4 {inhibitors|preventions} such as itraconazole or ketoconazole {may|might|could} {increase|enhance|boost|raise} plasma #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {hormone|bodily hormone|hormonal agent} {levels|degrees}. The {median|average|mean|typical} percent {changes|modifications|adjustments} from {baseline|standard} for Vytorin vs. simvastatin were: LDL-C -25 % {and|and also|as well as} -5 %; total-C -16 % {and|and also|as well as} -5 %; Apo B -19 % {and|and also|as well as} -5 %; {and|and also|as well as} non-HDL-C #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] -23 % {and|and also|as well as} -5 %. {Results|Outcomes} for HDL-C {and|and also|as well as} TG {between|in between} {the {two|2}|both} {treatment|therapy} {groups|teams} were not {significantly|considerably|substantially|dramatically} {different|various}. Ezetimibe was the {major|significant} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {component|element|part} in feces {and|and also|as well as} {accounted for|made up|represented} 69 % of the {administered|provided|carried out} {dose|dosage}, while ezetimibe-glucuronide was the {major|significant} {component|element|part} in {urine|pee} {and|and also|as well as} {accounted for|made up|represented} 9 % of the {administered|provided|carried out} {dose|dosage}. The following {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} are {possible|feasible} when Viagra is taken: light {sensitivity|sensitiveness|level of sensitivity}, {changes|modifications|adjustments} in {color|shade} {vision|eyesight}, nosebleeds, {diarrhea|looseness of the bowels}, flushing, {insomnia|sleep problems|sleeplessness|sleeping disorder|sleeping disorders|sleep loss}, {muscle|muscular tissue} {aches|pains}, {headache|frustration|problem|hassle}, #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {heartburn|pyrosis ( heartburn )|heartburn ( pyrosis )}, Template:numbness. Propecia {{needs|requires|really needs} to|has to|should} be taken {constantly|continuously|regularly|frequently} in order to {support|sustain|assist} your {progress|development|progression|improvement}. {If you {decide|choose|determine} to {stop|quit} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} you {will|will certainly} {lose|shed} all the #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] hair you {managed|handled|took care of} to re-grow within one year {period|duration}. |, if you {decide|choose|determine} to {stop|quit} the {treatment|therapy|procedure} you {will|will certainly} {lose|shed} all the hair you {managed|handled|took care of} to re-grow within one year {period|duration}. {Report|Record} to your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {medical|clinical|health care} {conditions|problems|disorders} you have, {as well as|in addition to|along with|and also} the {drugs|medicines} you #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] are taking. {If you {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {receive|get|obtain|see} {treatment|therapy|procedure} for {other|various other|people} {conditions|problems|disorders} {make {sure|certain}|ensure|make certain|see to it} you {discuss|talk about|go over|review} with your {doctor|physician|medical professional} whether you {can|could} {combine|incorporate|integrate} the {medicine|medication} you {need|require|really need} with Cymbalta. |, if you {need|require|really need} to {receive|get|obtain|see} {treatment|therapy|procedure} for {other|various other|people} {conditions|problems|disorders} make {sure|certain} you {discuss|talk about|go over|review} with your {doctor|physician|medical professional} whether you {can|could} {combine|incorporate|integrate} the {medicine|medication} you {need|require|really need} with Cymbalta..} {Tell|Inform} your {health|wellness|health and wellness} acre {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {about|regarding|concerning} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} heart {problems|issues|troubles}, {bipolar {disorder|condition|ailment}|bipolar illness|bipolar affective disorder}, Template:high blood {pressure|stress|tension}, {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {allergies|allergic reactions}, suicidal {attempts|efforts|tries} or {thoughts|ideas}, and eye {conditions|problems|disorders}. {Patients|Clients|People|Individuals} taking concomitant mTOR {inhibitor|prevention} (e. g. temsirolimus) {therapy|treatment} {may|might|could} {be at|go to} {increased|enhanced|boosted|raised} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {risk|danger|threat} for angioedema <>see|view} Drug Interactions (7. It's {important|essential|crucial|vital} that you {{carry|hold} on|continue|proceed} with your {treatment|therapy|procedure} {even|also} if you {feel|really feel} {fine|great|high quality}, as {{high|very high|higher} blood {pressure|stress|tension}|hypertension} {may|might|could} {sometimes|in some cases|often|occasionally|at times} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {display|show|present} no {symptoms|signs} {at all|whatsoever}. {Read|Check out|Review} All Potential Side Effects {and|and also|as well as} See Pictures of Toprol XL" What are the #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {precautions|safety measures|preventative measures} when taking metoprolol succinate (Toprol XL)? A randomized, double-blind, parallel {dose|dosage} {study|research study|research} (Study 3) was {planned|prepared|intended} in 219 {patients|clients|people|individuals} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] with PAH. Viagra {will|will certainly} not {cause|trigger|create|induce} you to have {an instant|an immediate|an instantaneous|an on-the-spot} {erection|construction} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] unlike {commonly|typically|frequently|generally|often} {thought|believed}. {Tell|Inform} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {immediately|instantly|right away|promptly|quickly} if you {notice|discover|observe|see} {any of|any one of} the {following|complying with|adhering to|belowing} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {symptoms|signs|signs and symptoms}, {particularly|especially|specifically} if they {occur|happen|take place} within {several|a number of|numerous|many} weeks of {stopping|quiting} {treatment|therapy} with Rulide D. As {most|many|a lot of|the majority of} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {drugs|medicines}, Sildenafil {has|has actually} been {reported|stated|mentioned} to {interact|communicate|connect} with {some {other|various other}|other|a few other} {medicines|medications}. Cialis (tadalafil) {can|could} be {prescribed|recommended|suggested} for the {treatment|therapy|procedure} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] of male impotence, {also|likewise|additionally} {referred to|described} as {erectile {dysfunction|disorder}|impotence}. The {volume|quantity} of {distribution|circulation} {and|and also|as well as} clearance of #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] ketorolac in pediatric {patients|clients|people|individuals} was {{higher|greater} {than|compared to}|more than|above} those {observed|noted} in {adult|grown-up} {subjects|topics} ({see|view} Table 1). You #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} {avoid|prevent|stay clear of|stay away from} {combining|incorporating|integrating} it with {{any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {other|various other}|other} {medications|medicines} you are taking {at the {moment|minute}|currently|presently|right now} - such as rifampin, {aspirin|pain killers}, {oral|dental} {insulin|the hormone insulin|blood insulin} or {diabetes|diabetic issues} {medications|medicines}, diuretic, cyclosporine, blood {thinners|slimmers}, seizure {medications|medicines}, or ketoconazole. This is not {a complete|a total|a full|a comprehensive|a finished} {list|selection|listing|checklist} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] of {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} and others {may|might|could} {occur|happen|take place}. This {book|publication} is {full|complete} with {detailed|comprehensive|in-depth|thorough} {information|info|details} which has #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {actually|really|in fact} {offered|provided|supplied} {an eczema|a dermatitis|a chronic eczema} {cure|remedy|treatment} for {thousands of|countless|hundreds of} {people|individuals|folks}. It is a Cannabinoid-1 Receptor Blocker (CB1) that {works|functions} by {selectively|precisely} {blocking|obstructing|shutting out} {certain|specific|particular} {brain|mind} receptors {{responsible|accountable|liable} for|in charge of|tasked with} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {glucose|sugar} and {fat|fatty tissue|fat deposits|fats} {metabolism|metabolic process|metabolic rate}. {This {medicine|medication} {will|will certainly} {be {inefficient|ineffective|inept}|mishandle} if {used|utilized|made use of} alone.|If {used|utilized|made use of} alone, this {medicine|medication} {will|will certainly} be {inefficient|ineffective|inept}.} {Talk to|Speak with|Speak to|Talk with|Get in touch with} your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {about|regarding|concerning} your {diet|diet plan|diet regimen} that {{needs|requires|really needs} to|has to|should} {include|consist of|feature} {{plenty|lots} of|lots of|a lot of|sufficient} {Template:vitamins. The no-effect #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {dose|dosage} for rat {pup|puppy|dog} {mortality|death} was not {determined|identified|figured out|established}. Taking {more|even more|additional} of Cialis is not #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {going to|visiting} make your {treatment|therapy|procedure} {{any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {more|even more|additional}|anymore} {effective|efficient}. {Make sure|Ensure|Make certain|See to it} you {never|never ever} take {more|even more|additional} of this {medication|medicine} {than|compared to} {prescribed|recommended|suggested}, as this {may|might|could} {cause|trigger|create|induce} an overdose and {{lead|number one} to|result in|cause|bring about} the {following|complying with|adhering to} {symptoms|signs} that {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} be {reported|stated|mentioned} to your {local|regional|neighborhood|community} {emergency|emergency situation} {center|facility|program}: {indigestion|acid indigestion}, {headache|frustration|problem|hassle}, Template:stuffy nose, flushing, {heartburn|pyrosis ( heartburn )|heartburn ( pyrosis )}, {pain|discomfort} in the {back|spine}, and priapism. It's {a way|a method|a means} for you and {thousands of|countless|hundreds of} {other|various other} {customers|clients|consumers} {to {get|obtain}|to obtain} {generic|universal|common} {meds|medications} like Cialis within {a few|a couple of} {minutes|mins|times}, without #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {having to|needing to} {{worry|fret|stress} {about|regarding|concerning}|stress over|fret about|bother with} their {quality|high quality|top quality} {for {a second|a 2nd}|momentarily}. This {drug|medicine} {can|could} {help|assist|aid} you keep the {symptoms|signs} {under {control|command}|controlled} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {but|however|yet} {may|might|could} {not sure|unsure|uncertain} the {condition|problem|disorder} you have, {therefore|for that reason|as a result|consequently}, it's {important|essential|crucial|vital} that you {discuss|talk about|go over|review} with your {{health|wellness|health and wellness} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} all the {aspects|facets|elements} of your {treatment|therapy|procedure} {in {advance|advancement|development|breakthrough|innovation}|ahead of time|beforehand}. You {may|might|could} be {started|begun} on {a lower|a lesser|a reduced} {dose|dosage|amount} of #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] this {medicine|medication} and it {can|could} be {increased|enhanced|raised|boosted|evered increasing|improved} {later on|in the future|later}, {but|however|yet} not {more|much more|a lot more} {often|frequently|typically|commonly|usually} {than|compared to} {once|when|as soon as} {every week|weekly|each week} {or {two|2}|or more}. Take the {entire|whole} {amount|quantity} of this {drug|medicine} {prescribed|recommended|suggested} by #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] your {doctor|physician|medical professional} {{even|also} though|although|despite the fact that} the {symptoms|signs} {may|might|could} {improve|enhance|boost} after {just|simply} {{a couple|a married couple} of|a few|a number of} days. Do #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] not {administer|provide|carry out} intravenously or subcutaneously. {Inject|Infuse} {slowly|gradually}, deep {into|right into} the {muscle|muscular tissue} mass. There was no {effect|result|impact} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] on {serum|lotion} uric acid {during|throughout} {chronic|persistent} {oral|dental} {administration|management} {and|and also|as well as} no uricosuric {effect|result|impact}. You {will|will certainly} {{need|require|really need} to|have to|should} keep your {{health|wellness|health and wellness|safety} {care|treatment}|healthcare|medical} {provider|service provider|company|supplier|carrier} {updated|upgraded} on you {progress|advance|proceed} #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] and whether you {get|getting|obtain} {any|any type of|any kind of|any sort of} {side {effects|results|impacts}|adverse effects|negative effects|negative side effects} besides {stuffy|stale} nose, {warmth|heat} or {redness|soreness|inflammation} in your face or {chest|breast|upper body}, {headache|frustration|problem|hassle}, memory {problems|issues|troubles}, {upset {stomach|tummy|belly}|indigestion}, and {back {pain|discomfort}|pain in the back}, which are {considered|thought about|taken into consideration} to be {normal|typical|regular} and {{tend|have a tendency|often tend|usually tend} to|have the tendency to|often} be {short-lived|brief|short-term|transient}. John's wort, {antibiotics|prescription antibiotics|anti-biotics}, antidepressants, {depression|misery} {medications|medicines}, antifungals, antidiabetes {medications|medicines}, {medicines|medications} for {weight {loss|reduction}|weight management|weight-loss|fat burning|fat loss}, rifampicin, {drugs|medicines} for {normal|typical|regular} blood {lipid|crowd} {levels|degrees}, epilepsy {drugs|medicines}, and HIV #file_links<>links/imp_files/19.08.15.txt",1,S] {medications|medicines}. Categoria:História do Anarquismo Categoria:Revoluções